What exercise is best for knee pain?

S.A.C. Dip (Diet, Exercise & Fitness), Advanced Human Anatomy & Physiology Level 3
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19 March 2021

What exercise is best for knee pain?

Some knee-friendly activities you could try to keep your body moving are:

Swimming – Water takes the weight off the joint, meaning it has more flexibility to move around and stretch. For this reason, it can be a good option when suffering from knee pain. When it comes to types of swimming, front crawl or backstroke may be a little less distressing for the knee than, say, breaststroke.

Cycling – Again, cycling doesn't put too much strain on the joint – the movements are gentle and can actually build up a bit of strength and flexibility in the leg muscles.

Golf – Easy walking is a good idea to keep the knee joint moving, so you could give golf a go. At the same time, golf allows you to focus on building strength in other areas of the body, such as the arms.

Water sports – You could consider sports that don't focus too heavily on exercising the knee joint such as sailing or kayaking.

Exercise class – During an exercise class, you can choose only to do the movements that you are comfortable with. Notifying the instructor of any joint problems beforehand will help them tailor any specific movements for you, or offer up alternatives where necessary.
Stretching – This shouldn't be forgotten about if you have knee pain. Have a look at our exercise videos for some suggestions.

Top tip when exercising with knee pain – If your pain worsens during or after a period of exercise, stop the activity and seek the advice of your doctor.

What exercises should you not do with bad knees?

When you have knee pain, your usual workout may be off the cards for a while.

Here are a few activities you may want to avoid at this time:

Long hilly walks - Opt for gentle strolls instead to keep the knees working.

Running/jogging - High-impact activities such as these can be hard on the cartilage in the joints and may make your pain worse.

HIIT workouts – These tend to involve lots of jumping about and repetitive movements that a painful knee will not appreciate!

Squats and lunges – These particular movements can also be quite tense for the knee joints. A yoga flow may be a more sedate option; just make sure to let the instructor know what your knee problems are.

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What is the home remedy for knee pain?

Now, exercise might not be the first thing on your mind if you have knee pain. I suspect, instead, that you are wondering how to address the pain! Well, here's what I suggest.

Arnica is an impressive flower with properties that can be harnessed to help bring relief from joint issues, such as stiffness, pain, strains and sprains. It is found in our Atrogel Arnica Gel, which can be applied topically to the affected area up to four times daily.

For longer-term knee problems, Devil's Claw would be an option. This can be taken with other medications if necessary, to deal with on-going joint pain.

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